Lakeview Music Rules:
1) "M"
Make GOOD choices and do the right thing.
2) "U"
Use good manners and be NICE.
3) "S"
Speak when the teacher allows it.
4) "i"
involve yourself in ALL activities.
5) "C"
Care for the music room equipment, including any and ALL instruments.
Each semester, classes may EARN a Reward Day if they have completed earning up to 12 chart marks on their music chart. Anyone that has to visit the rest desk (see below) during class will cancel their classes' mark for the day.
Lakeview Music Consequences:
1) 1-3 Verbal warnings given by teacher.
2) Time in "REST desk" to complete music theory questions on concept(s) covered in class. In addition, student will need to give their homeroom teacher $1-$5 of Miller Money, depending on the amount of verbal warnings given during the 50 minute class period.
3) After all of the warnings and time at the rest desk, student will need to call parents/guardian to explain what happened in music that day. Also, a fine of $5 Miller Money will be taken for the choices made during music that day.
4) Office referral, plus NO Reward Day time with class for the semester.